Do You Know Your Niche?

Asking for a friend!

Kayla McCall
3 min readOct 11, 2022
via: Peterson’s

I am a recent college graduate, and that I am proud to say. Although haters say it took me longer than most of my peers, I’ll tell them what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Mind you, I just mentioned a pretty hefty statement. I mean it when I say that my college experience was prolonged. But, now being done, I wouldn’t trade it for anything! College brought me some of my very best friends, a great deal of learning experiences, and showed me what I am most passionate about.

For background, my major shows emphasis on Communication, Journalism, and Sociology. Prior to determining this track for myself, I was considered to be a Jack of all trades. In my defense, I find that to be a good thing, contrary to popular opinion. I would ask myself, “how do you know what you like and are passionate about if you don’t dabble into a little bit of everything?” I finally have that answer. FINALLY!

But I am here to say, and shed some light, it is OK if you may not know. After all, it takes time. Not to be too heavy, but you have your whole life to figure out what you’re into, and what you may not want to reach with a 10 foot pole.

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As I mentioned, I personally found it to be of use to me and where I was at in my life to test the waters on some different avenues for my future. Whether it be the medical field, teaching (props to those that stick that major through — you rock!), business, or now writing. I’m here to tell you, although I have narrowed down my favorite pass-times and hobbies to be a combination of writing and business, I wouldn’t take back any of my other experiences in teaching or the medical field.

That leads me to my next point: challenge yourself to make something, like a new hobby, specific and unique to you! For me, that looks like writing, while also staying active and current in the corporate America side of society. Who’s to say I can’t merge the two? That may look like another article for another time.

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All this to say, although I am still young and evolving, I am pleased with stepping out of my comfort zone and finding out more about myself based on what I went to school for, writing. But, it is fun and exciting to see where experiences take me, such as right into corporate America.

Whether you find yourself residing with these thoughts or not, take this with you as you go: try the next thing! I would not have found my niche if I hadn't tried what didn’t work. In summary, I am still evolving, but things are on the up-and-up. Especially when compared to the second or third change of my major in my undergrad.

